Thursday, March 12, 2009

Oh my! Where has the time gone...

If this were a paper scrapbook I would put it in a closet and never look at it again. I am so far behind!

Las Vegas was a blast. Yes, it was almost 6 weeks ago but I still need to update!

We had so much fun with the family. The kids had a blast, Anika loves her cousins. Hanging out with family is different away from home. Things seemed more fun and relaxed, we weren't so worried about where we had to be next or what we needed to do tomorrow. We really just relaxed.

Of course, the Superbowl was the highlight of Doug's weekend. Go Steelers!

We are still working on our remodel. We'll get there. I hope...
We installed a new backdoor and Doug has finished the sheetrock, we also took out the old Pergo floor. This weekend we hope to prime the walls and work on the shelves for the pantry. Next weekend we hope to lay tile - please keep your fingers crossed.

I'm attaching some cute photos from Las Vegas. Anika and her cousins are such characters!